My War Within


Most of the time
I don’t understand
the nature of my heart.
Most of the time
there is a battle in me
and I have to fight to survive.
It never ends,
it’s a day to day occurrence.
And I know,

 it will go on and on,
I guess,
and I am afraid,
as long as I’m alive.

 It is a hard struggle
but it helps me realized 

why I need you.
It is a cliché 

and an overused line
that I will be 

a lost soul without you.
So I beg you,
even if I wander around,
and most of the time 

an arrogant fool
please stay with me.
So that when I reach the time
where I exude my last breath;
when I have finally found 

the resting place of my bed of death;
when all my senses stopped.
It will be but a rest;
this life was not a waste;
but a testimony of victory;
and I shall dance to a flute symphony;
for You are with me.
